Save the Date and Register

Save the Date and Register
Photo by Aleksandar Cvetanovic / Unsplash

The next Unmasked Retreat will happen 24-27 August 2023 in South of France or Netherlands. The location will be confirmed later on. If you wish to know more, please register your interest by subscribing to the website. This is where you will get the information first. The retreat will be in English or in French depending on participants. I will curate a group with shared interest in developing their authentic feminine leadership and finding how to express it in the world.

The investment in yourself or "gift to yourself" as previous participants have called it, will be about 1200-1500€ depending on the location found. As with previous retreat, I will find a place that is conducive to rest and relaxation, inspiring and in nature. To find out more about the previous retreat, you can read the retreat page here.